Emails Automatically Sent by the GoGo Photo Contest Platform

Our platform automatically sends the following emails via our email module:

Standard emails:

  • Entry: This email goes to all entrants in your contest. It contains a link to your contest site and to the participant's entry, along with options for them to edit their entry (if necessary).

  • Entry Approved: This is only for contests that do not have auto-approval. This email is sent after the Contest Admin has reviewed and approved a participant's entry. It lets them know that their entry has been approved in the contest, and is now appearing on the public site. It also contains a link to a participant's entry.

  • Donation: This email goes to anyone who donates in your contest. This is usually voters, but if you have an entry fee then the same email will also go to entrants. It contains a link to your contest, and also transaction information (this email can be used as a donation receipt).

  • Votes Applied Notification: This email lets entrants know that someone has applied votes to their entry. It contains the name of the voter and the number of votes applied.

  • Fundraising Goal Reached: This email is dependent on whether or not an entrant has chosen to set a personal fundraising goal. If they have, this email will send when they have reached their goal, and includes a link that allows them to edit their goal if they choose.

  • End of Contest Voting Reminder: This email begins sending approximately 72 hours before your contest is set to end, and it lets your participants know that your contest is ending soon. 

Optional Module emails:

  • Reserve a Calendar Day Donation: This email goes out to anyone who has reserved a calendar day in your contest (if applicable), and contains transaction information.

  • Calendar Purchase: This email goes out to anyone who has purchased a calendar (if applicable), and contains transaction information.
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