Very rarely, a voter may apply their votes to the wrong entry. The fix is easily handled within the GGPC Admin.
How to Modify Votes (Transfer or Credit):
1. Log into the GGPC Admin:
2. Navigate to Entries at the top of the page:
3. On the Contest Entries page, click on the green check mark icon next to the entry that has the erroneous votes:
4. The Entry Information page loads, along with a list of votes that were applied to the entry.
Transfer Votes
Allows you to transfer votes to a different entry. This is a great option if the voter has told you which entry they'd like their votes to be applied to. This option transfers the entire vote amount- you can't split it up between separate entries.
Credit to Vote Bank
Allows you to credit the votes back to the voter's vote bank so they can apply the votes to the entry of their choice. This is also a good option if they want to split their votes up among multiple entries.
IMPORTANT: Neither option refunds votes. If you need votes or a transaction refunded, please contact us at and we'd be happy to help you out.
How to Transfer Votes:
Click the Transfer link next to the votes that need to be transferred:

A confirmation screen appears. Click OKAY.
How to Credit Votes to Vote Bank
Click the Credit link next to the votes that need to be credited:
The votes have now been credited back to the voter's vote bank and are removed from the entry.
The user can now access the votes in their vote bank and apply them to the entry(s) of their choice.