Yes. Your contest can have an entry fee, and it can be any amount that you wish.
If you choose to have an entry fee, you can specify the amount in the setup document that will be sent to you after you have signed up with us.
Sign-up here➝
Our thoughts on No Entry Fee vs. Having an Entry Fee:
No entry fee:
Not having an entry fee will encourage more people to enter. In theory, this could also drive more people to vote (since they'll be asking friends and family for votes on their entries).
This is also a great option if you're working on building your constituent list for future outreach efforts.
Having an entry fee:
Having an entry fee encourages participation from those who will take the photo contest seriously.
If you choose to have an entry fee, we have seen that an entry fee of $5 works well.
Entry fees can limit participation, and so organizations who require a higher entry fee ($20+) will often offer something in conjunction to the entry fee.
Example: All entrants who pay a $25 entry fee will also receive a copy of an annual wall calendar.
We provide the platform for donate-to-vote fundraising, but it's up to you to know and abide the laws and regulations concerning running a donate-to-vote fundraiser in your state or province. We cannot provide any legal counsel, guidance, or advice in this area.