Running a Vote Promotion

The Promotions Module allows you to run a VOTE promotion within your contest, where entrants receive bonus votes during the VOTING process. You can choose the minimum donation required, how many bonus votes they receive, and the length of time that the promotion runs.

Want to run an ENTRY promotion? Find instructions for that here.

Before we get started (IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW):

1. Any contest can run a vote promotion.

2. You can run multiple vote promotions in a contest, for any length of time.
However, multiple vote promotions cannot run concurrently, but they can be run sequentially. 

3. Multiple donations that are less than the required minimum donation to receive promotional votes will not be added up to reach the minimum donation to receive promotion votes.

4. Votes entered offline, by the Contest Admin, DO NOT automatically receive bonus votes. You (the Contest Admin) must calculate them when you apply the offline votes.

To run a VOTE promotion:

1. Log into the GGPC Admin:

2. Navigate to the Settings ➝ Promotions:

3. Click Add Promotion:


5. The ADD/EDIT PROMOTION details load:

Donation Minimum: The minimum donation a voter is required to make in the voting process in order to qualify for the bonus votes.

Promotional Votes (Bonus Votes): The amount of bonus votes a voter receives for making the donation minimum.

Start Date: The start date and time of your promotion. The time will always correspond with the time zone in your contest settings.

End Date: The end date and time of your promotion. The time will always correspond with the time zone in your contest settings.

6. As you fill out the fields, the language in the PROMOTION LANGUAGE (GRAY BOX) will update. This is what is displayed to voters during the voting process (on an entry's voting page).

7. This is how your vote promotions will be displayed in the GGPC Admin (see red box):


Promotion Example:

For example, we're going to run a promotion where if someone donates $25 or more during the voting process, they receive a bonus of 25 votes. We're going to run this promotion for 24 hours (CLICK for a larger look):

This is how it's displayed on the public site, to a voter during the voting process:

This is how it's displayed on the public site, to an entrant during the entry process:

In our example:
  • If the voter donates for 25 votes ($25.00), they'll receive 50 votes (25 bonus votes).
  • If they donate for 35 votes ($35.00), they'll receive 60 votes (25 bonus votes).
  • If they donate for 50 votes ($50.00), they'll receive 100 votes (50 bonus votes).
  • And so on.
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