Running an Entry Promotion

The Promotions Module allows you to run an ENTRY promotion within your contest, where entrants receive bonus votes during the ENTRY process. You can choose the minimum donation required, how many bonus votes they receive, and the length of time that the promotion runs.

Want to run an VOTE promotion? Find instructions for that here.

Before we get started (IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW):

1. Any contest can run an entry promotion. With or without a required entry fee. 

2. Entry promotions take into account ALL entry donations and entry purchases (such as calendar purchases within the entry process, if applicable).

The combined value of the participant's entry fee (if applicable), entry vote donation, and entry calendar purchase (if applicable) must be greater or equal to the promotional donation minimum in order for the entrant to receive their promotional votes. 

3. Entries entered offline, by the Contest Admin, do NOT automatically receive bonus votes. You (the Contest Admin) must apply the bonus votes using offline voting (INSTRUCTIONS HERE).

To run an ENTRY promotion:

1. Log into the GGPC ADMIN:




5. The ADD/ENTRY PROMOTION details load (CLICK for a larger look):

Donation Minimum: The minimum donation an entrant is required to make in the entry process in order to qualify for the bonus votes.

Promotional Votes (Bonus Votes): The amount of bonus votes an entrant receives for making the donation minimum. 

Start Date: The start date and time of your promotion. The time will always correspond with the time zone in your contest settings.

End Date: The end date and time of your promotion. The time will always correspond with the time zone in your contest settings.

6. As you fill out the fields, the language in the PROMOTION LANGUAGE (GRAY BOX) will update. This is what is displayed to entrants during the entry process.

The language within the BLUE BOX (What about our Entry fee?) will also update. Since entry fees (if applicable) do not count toward votes, this helps you to calculate how many bonus votes an entrant might receive under various scenarios.

Promotion Example

For example, our contest has a $5 entry fee, and we're going to run a promotion where if someone donates $20 or more during the entry process, they receive a bonus of 20 votes (CLICK for a larger look):

This is how it's displayed on the public site, to an entrant during the entry process:

In our example, the entrant chooses to  donate for 25 votes in the entry process. This is their confirmation screen:

They have made a $30.00 donation. Of this $30.00, they'll receive 25 regular votes (since the $5.00 entry fee does not count toward votes), and 20 bonus votes.  
Our entrant has received a total of 45 votes.
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